‘YOGA’ has originated from the Sanskrit word “YUJI’, which means union or yoke. It is an ancient practice to establish a harmonious connection between the human body and mind and keep both healthy and happy aspects of human existence.
Yoga has multiple benefits that can hardly be achieved through medicines and acrobatic exercises. It produces a long-time and deep-nourishing effect on one’s body and mind. The article touches upon the most important health benefits of Yoga.
Busts Stress
Yoga helps relieve stress and anxiety and promote relaxation. Cortisol is a stress-induced hormone that goes up in response to your stress and anxiety. The practice of Yoga has proved a miracle in de-stressing people and keeping them calm and focused even during adversities.
If you are mentally overstressed, you will feel an overwhelming change in how you behave and react to any situation. As a result, it will keep the cortisol level in check. Keep in mind that continuous over-secretion of cortisol is related to clogging of arteries and heart attack.
Fights Depression
According to some studies, Yoga is more effective than anti-depression medicines. It does both symptomatic and systematic treatment of depression. The reason for its anti-depression effect is it causes the level of cortisol to dip. Cortisol is a stress hormone directly associated with a neurotransmitter, namely serotonin, often linked to depression.
Remember that depression, just like happiness, is part and parcel of everyone’s life. But problems crop up only when depression leaves your mind clouded—practicing Yoga alone or in conjunction with traditional treatment to get rid of the depressed state of your mind.
Reduces Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is a lingering problem suffered by millions of people across the globe. The number of causes related to pain is not limited to only arthritis and injuries. Several pieces of evidence clearly demonstrate yoga benefits people suffering from multiple types of chronic pain.
Though more researches are needed to establish the positive impact of Yoga on chronic pain, practicing Yoga daily may offer some relief for nagging pain and discomfort.
Improves Breathing
Yogic Breathing (also known as Pranayama in Sanskrit) refers to INHALE and EXHALE’s unique technique. Of different forms of Yoga, many are proponents of controlled breathing exercises focused on taking in the maximum amount of oxygen and giving out the maximum amount of carbon-di-oxide to improve vital capacity.
This breathing technique benefits all, especially those with asthma, lung disease, and heart problem. Incorporating yogic breathing in your daily exercise routine will improve your health, enhance your endurance and optimize your productivity.
Promotes Balance and Flexibility
Yoga experts claim that Yoga helps improve balance and flexibility and they aren’t exaggerating.
Accommodate Yoga in your fitness routine to back and benefit your flexibility and balance through the practice of specific poses. It helps improve both concentration and performance. In older adults, mobility and balance are compromised to a significant extent. A 2013 study has found that Yoga can improve their condition remarkably. Practice Yoga 15-30 minutes every day; it’s a bet that you will see and feel the differences in your life.
Relieves Migraines
Nearly 14% of Americans suffer from migraines, a severe recurring headache. Traditional treatment offers no permanent cure and can only manage and relieve symptoms at best.
Yoga has a permanent or at least, long-time solution for migraines. Researches show Yoga, in combination with traditional therapy, helps reduce the severity and migraines.
Researchers believe that practicing Yoga may help trigger the vagus nerve and thus, relieve migraine pain. Certain yoga postures target stress and tension, which might be contributing to your migraines and thus, promotes blood circulation to your brain. It reduces the pain and throbbing sensation that you might be experiencing.
Increases Strength
By the word ‘Strength’, we are referring to both physical and mental strength. Keen on building muscle and mental strength? Yoga could be a great addition to your regular exercise routine.
Certain poses in Yoga are designed to build your muscle and boost strength. It increases endurance and performance, especially when practiced in combination with other exercise regimes.
Promotes Sleep Quality
According to doctors, every adult person should sleep for 6-8 hours. Sufficiency of sleep is important for anyone to stay in good health. Sleep makes your brain feel relaxed so that it can start working afresh, thereby contributing to your creativity, energy, and productivity.
Poor sleep quality is deeply associated with high blood pressure, depression, obesity, and even heart diseases, among several health disorders.
Incorporating Yoga into your daily routine helps promote good quality of sleep and thus, helps alleviate and avoid serious and several health issues. Though it is still not clear how Yoga works to promote sleep quality, it is found to trigger the secretion of melatonin, a hormone responsible for regulating sleep and wakefulness. Yoga also relieves pain, depression, and anxiety, which collectively contribute to insomnia.
Improves Healthy Eating Habits
Mindful eating or intuitive eating encourages you to stay alert while eating. In other words, the concept promotes ‘Being Present’ right at the moment when you have your breakfast, dinner or lunch. It helps you pay attention to the smell, texture and taste of food and notice the feeling, sensations, and thoughts the food evokes.
The practice promotes healthy eating habits and weight loss, controlling blood sugar, and treating disordered and unhealthy eating behaviors.
Yoga successfully controls the habit of going on a food binge, which is an impulsive eating disorder. While promoting healthy eating habits, Yoga also helps reduce weight and increase physical activity – all these contribute to a super fit and healthy body.
Whether or not you have disordered eating behavior, there is no harm in practicing Yoga to promote mindfulness.
Betters Quality of Life
Yoga is creating a wave of ‘stay fresh and fine at no cost’ formula. It is now widely used as an adjunct therapy to a better quality of life. Practicing Yoga is not restricted to only a certain age; rather, it benefits everyone cutting across the age and gender.
One study on women diagnosed with breast carcinoma and undergoing chemotherapy has revealed that Yoga can mellow several side-effects of chemo such as, nausea, vomiting, pain and fatigue. One of the aims of cancer treatment is to prolong the life as well as improve the quality of life of the patients. Yoga offers a great deal of help in ensuring that even terminally ill patients can enjoy a good quality of life in their sunset days.
The Bottom Line
Yoga calms your nerves, tames your anxiety and promotes your spiritual wellbeing. All these help you meet challenges with a calm and composed mind, accept defeat with good grace and replenish your energy naturally. If you practice Yoga religiously every day, you will feel invigorating and confident from within. Incorporate Yoga into your daily routine and experience the nectar of its benefits for your lifetime.