Are you confused as to how you can achieve and maintain good health? It’s easy to be so. Even the health experts hold contradictory views about health and wellness. Fortunately, they agree on some common tips for good health. Here are what they recommend for you:
Eat Rainbow
You know rainbow or VIBGYOR contains 7 colors. When experts recommend a rainbow plate, they mean you should eat a variety of foods. No single food is not rich in more than 40 different nutrients that we need for our good health. You should choose a balanced diet and it will make a major difference over time.
- Take a low-fat dinner after a high-fat lunch.
- Fish is a better choice for your next day’s menu after you eat a large meat portion at your dinner.
Take Plenty of Carbohydrates
Dieticians suggest that we should eat plenty of carbohydrate-rich foods so that they can supply about half the calories for our daily diet. Rice, pasta, bread, cereals and potatoes are a great source of carbohydrates and they fulfill our fiber intake requirement.
Eat More of Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, vitamins and minerals. For good health, we should eat at least 5 servings every day. You can take a glass of fresh orange juice at breakfast, a piece of watermelon as snacks and the required portion of different vegetables at both lunch and dinner.
Swap Saturated Fat with Unsaturated Fat
Who says fats are bad? There are good fats (unsaturated fats) and bad fats (saturated fats). Good fats are important for proper functioning of the body. Remember that too much of anything has bad effects on your body. For example, fats more than required adversely affect your weight and heart health. Here are some important tips related to fat:
- Limit your intake of saturated and total fats. Foods of animal origin are a great source of these fats.
- Completely avoid trans-fat consumption
- Fish is a great source of unsaturated fat. Make sure to eat at least one serving of oily fish 2-3 times a week.
- Prefer boiled, steamed or baked foods. Fried foods are striped of nutrients.
- Cut out the fatty part of any meat.
- Use vegetables oils for cooking.
Cut down Salt and Sugar Intake
Salt is important for maintaining sodium-potassium balance in our body. But a high salt intake causes your blood pressure to rise and thus, increases the risk of your cardiovascular disease.
Sugary foods are tasty but not healthy. If you have sweet craving, make sure to eat sugary foods and drinks in moderation as these are high in energy. An occasional treat is fine but don’t make it a daily habit.
Count Calories
A healthy diet comprises a variety of foods in the right portions. For health’s sake, never skip your breakfast as it results into out-of-control hunger and overindulge in food. Eat snacks between two consecutive meals to keep hunger in control. However, snacks are not substitutes for meals. You can choose a handful of boiled vegetables or dried fruits, unsalted nuts, some bread with cheese or yoghurt.
Pay attention to the portion size at every means to prevent too much calorie consumption. This way, you can enjoy a variety of foods and get the necessary nutrients for your health.
Drink Plenty of Fluids
Every adult needs to drink 1.5 liters of fluid a day or up intake if it is hot or they are doing any physical work. Water is the best source to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. Tea, milk, fruit juice etc also helps from time to time. However, it is better to eat a whole fruit or a piece of it as fruit juice contains added sugar.
Maintain Right Weight
The right weight is a function of different factors including height, age, gender and genes. Overweight and obesity increase the risk of multiple diseases including heart problems and cancer. When we eat more than we need, it keeps adding to our body fat. Carbohydrates, fats or proteins – anything can supply extra calories to our body. Alcohol consumption is another cause of being overweight or obese.
Fat is the most concentrated source of energy. We spend the energy through physical activities. The message is simple and clear – Eat Less and Work More to maintain a healthy weight.
Exercise Regularly
Even if you are physically strong and active, exercise regularly and make it a habit. Exercises are good for people of all ages. It helps burn fat and extra calories. It is good for your blood circulatory system and cardiovascular health. Exercises also helps increase or maintain our muscle mass.
Moderate exercises of 150 minutes per week are enough to keep you fit and fine. Go for a brisk walk, avoid stairs, do swimming or jogging what suits you.
Stop Smoking and Drinking
Both are bad for health. These are linked to heart diseases, respiratory problems and cancer. Quit smoking and drinking. If not possible, drink in moderation and make it a priority to stop drinking gradually. Health is wealth and you should not take a risk.
Bottom Line
You can easily cope with slow changes in your life whereas it is really hard to adapt oneself to sudden major changes. Every time is a high time to start. Maintain a notebook to write you did, ate and drank throughout the day. This way, it will be easier for you to identify the areas that need improvement.